Kushiro and Nakashibetsu Airport Area
It is a vast tourism zone where Kushiro Marsh National Park and Akan-Mashu National Park are connected. Wild birds such as the red-crowned crane and white-tailed eagle are popular.
On the shores of Lake Akan, the largest Ainu settlement (Ainu Kotan) in Japan remains, and the Ainu culture has been handed down from generation to generation.
Kushiro Marsh is the first Ramsar wetland in Japan
Sightseeing:Kushiro Marsh / Lake Akan / Marimo / Red-crowned Crane / Ainu Kotan / Norokko-gou / SL / Winter Canoeing / Kushiro Tairyo Donpaku / Akanko Onsen / Washo Market / Kattedon / Robata-yaki / Spakatsu (spaghetti and pork cutlet)
Sightseeing:Cape Nosappu / Lake Furen / Shunkunitai / Northern Natural Flower Garden / Onneto / Wild birds / Footpaths / Nemuro Crab Festival / Escalope / Holand-senbei