Things to Enjoy around Akan
Things to Enjoy around Akan
Hokkaido Sightseeing Information - Gnome
There are many mysterious spots around Lake Akan.
There are lots of places to go, and things to experience around Lake Akan. Where Akan Mashu National Park and Kushiro Marsh National Park are next to each other. There is so much fun to be had it will make you want to live here.
You can easily search the information of tourist attractions by number input using the smartphone site "Gnome".
Crane Map
This is a summary of the famous places the Japanese crane likes to visit.
Here are some rules and manners.Visitors help protect each other and watch out for each other.
Please protect and retain the environment of the endangered Japanese crane and appreciate and understand the long struggle that has become the present situation. No vying to get a better place, no loud noises and no feeding.
★ Click to enlarge.
Useful information
The air is clear and cool in summer and feezing cold in winter.
The average annual temperature around Lake Akan is very cold, about 4 degrees. In summer, the maximum temperature is around 20 degrees in the two months of July and August. Winter is from December to March. Especially in January and February the temperature drops below minus 15 degrees, and the lake freezes. A cardigan is necessary even in summer.
| Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | Apr. | May | Jun. | Jul. | Aug. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. |
Highest temperature(℃) | -4.3 | -3.4 | 0.9 | 8.2 | 14.8 | 18.7 | 21.7 | 22.8 | 18.4 | 13.1 | 5.6 | -1.3 |
Average temperature (℃) | -10.5 | -9.9 | -4.8 | 2.2 | 8.1 | 12.7 | 16.5 | 18.0 | 13.4 | 7.2 | 0.4 | -6.5 |
Lowest temperature (℃) | -17.7 | -17.6 | -11.7 | -3.7 | 1.7 | 7.2 | 12.1 | 13.7 | 8.6 | 1.6 | -4.9 | -12.4 |
Precipitation (mm) | 71.9 | 49.6 | 77.8 | 93.2 | 100.9 | 91.8 | 102.7 | 152.2 | 161.9 | 130.2 | 96.4 | 76.2 |
Useful Information about Lake Akan
Exchange money is avalable at Seven-Eleven and at the ATM at the post office. You can access nearby sightseeing spots from the bus terminal. Experience Sightseeing is avalible to book at the Tourist Information Center or at the reception of hotels and inns.
There is a police box, hospital and a post office. You can enjoy a long stay without stress.
- Tourist Information Center
- Wi-Fi is available in Lake Akan Onsen town, Tourist Information Center, Michinoeki Akantancho village
- Exchange is available at Seven-Eleven, and ATM at post office
- Hospital
- Post Office
- Police box
- Bus terminal
Akan Sightseeing Association Town-Made Promotion Organization 6-20, Akan-ko Onsen 2chome, Akancho, Kushiro, Hokkaido TEL:+81-154-67-3200
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