Recommended drugstore in Tanuki Koji in Sapporo
If you are planning a trip to Sapporo, please come to SUNDRUG. You will be able to find the products you want, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and souvenirs.
There are two stores in Tanuki Koji Shopping Arcade!
Merchandise handled/Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, Shiseido, KOSE, health foods, medical supplies, medical accessories, skin care products, oral care, daily necessities, foods, souvenirs, confectionery
Credit cards/VISA / JCB / Master / AMEX / Diners / 銀聯 / WeChatPay / Alipay *Depends on the store.
Closed/Without a holiday
Tanukikoji 4-chome Shop
4-8 Minami 2-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
TEL +81-11-205-0514
Business Hours : 10:00-22:00
Tanukikoji 2-chome Shop
2-12-1 Minami 3-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido
TEL +81-11-207-0337
Business Hours : 10:00-21:00
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